Checklist File Download

  • Manuscript in a format of MS-Word 2013 or later.
  • Sequence of title page, abstract & keywords, introduction, methods, results, conclusions, acknowledgments, and references.
  • Title page with article title, author’s FULL NAME(s) and affiliation(s).
  • Contact information of the corresponding author’s E-mail address, Office Phone number, ORCID, and heading title, with all authors’ ORCID.
  • Abstract up to 300 words and keywords up to 6 words or phrases.
  • All table and figure numbers are found in the text.
  • All tables and figures are numbered in Arabic numeral in the order of its appearance in the text.
  • Computer generated figures must be produced with high tones and resolution.
  • All references listed in the reference section should follow the reference citing rule and the valid reference format specified in INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS in JSTA.

2023년 한국연구재단 등재후보학술지 선정

한국우주과학회가 발간하는 학술지인 '우주기술과 응용'이
한국연구재단의 2023년도 신규 등재후보학술지로 선정되었습니다.

등재후보지 선정을 위해 힘써주신 모든 분들에게 감사를 드립니다.

앞으로도 많은 관심과 좋은 원고 투고를 부탁드리며, 등재학술지로의
승격을 위해 더욱 노력하겠습니다.


I don't want to open this window for a day.