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Journal of Space Technology and Applications. Vol. 4, No. 4, 2024

1 kHz Burst-Mode Infrared 1,064 nm Picosecond Laser for Space Debris Laser Ranging
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):245-255.
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Analysis of Ground-Based Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Response to Reconnaissance Satellite Observations of Regions of Interest
정찰위성의 관심지역 관측 가능성에 대한 지상 SLR(Satellite Laser Ranging) 대응 분석
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):256-267.
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Correlation Analysis between Atmospheric Transmittance and Observed Brightness Using Ground-Based Satellite Tracking Data
지상 관측소 기반 위성 추적 데이터를 활용한 대기 투과도와 관측 밝기 간 상관관계 분석
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):268-278.
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Research Trends in Lunar Dust Characteristics and Control Technologies for Lunar Surface Exploration
달 표면 탐사를 위한 달 먼지 특성 및 제어 기술 관련 연구동향
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):279-299.
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Development of Flight Model of the Langmuir Probe of Ionospheric Anomaly Monitoring by Magnetometer and Plasma-probe (IAMMAP) for the Compact Advanced Satellite 500-3 (CAS500-3)
차세대중형위성 3호 과학탑재체 IAMMAP(Ionospheric Anomaly Monitoring by Magnetometer and Plasma-probe) 랭뮤어 탐침의 비행 모델 개발
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):300-317.
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A Trends on a Development and Technology of Robotic Spacecraft
우주 로봇 위성의 개발 및 기술 동향
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):318-339.
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Occurrence Tendency Analysis of Sporadic E-Layer in Korea
국내 전리권 스포래딕 E층 발생 경향 분석
J. Space Technol. Appl. 2024;4(4):340-356.
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